Schedule Your Class
Connect with your licensing coordinator to schedule your 2-day life prep class on Zoom. Typically held on Wednesdays/Thursdays and Saturdays/Sundays. Or register for self study online using UCANPASS.
Schedule your test for the following few days after your class. Team members who schedule their test prior to attending pre-licensing class have an 87% pass rate on their first attempt.
Licensing Coordinators
Colby & Aarol Brown
Ace your test!
Show up 30 minutes early to your testing center.
Bring 2 forms of ID. Typically driver's license and a credit card with matching name is fine (back of credit card must be signed).
After passing, take a clear picture of your pass notice printoff and send to your trainer and licensing coordinator!
Helpful Links & Resources
Getting Licensed - Steps to Scheduling your Life Exam and Fingerprints
TEXAS - Resident Life Licensing
Register for your pre-licensing course:
Bring your Pre-licensing Registration Confirmation email containing the QR Code with you to class!
Schedule and pay for your Life Agent state exam (InsTX-Life01/English or Spanish) at or call (888) 754-7667. Plan to test within five days of completing your pre-licensing course. The $33 exam fee is reimbursable:
Keep your Confirmation Number
Schedule your fingerprint appointment at IdentoGO by phone (888) 467-2080 to be taken as soon as possible AFTER your state exam date:
Use Referral Code #11G6QF and say Payment by Coupon at test center when asked for payment
Once your Identogo appointment has been made, call the automated phone system to request your fingerprint voucher at (800) 624-5275.
Take your voucher number with you to the fingerprint appointment for payment
Complete your Texas Resident Application Questionnaire (State Licensing Application).
Copy of your exam Exam Score Report
Copy of your Fingerprint Receipt you received onsite showing 1) The Identogo logo and 2) The payment made for the fingerprints
Email or fax the Texas Resident Application Questionnaire, Exam report and fingerrprint receipt (include Rep ID) to or (800) 381-7084.