Schedule Your Class

Connect with your licensing coordinator to schedule your 2-day life prep class on Zoom. Typically held on Wednesdays/Thursdays and Saturdays/Sundays. Or register for self study online using UCANPASS.

Schedule your test for the following few days after your class. Team members who schedule their test prior to attending pre-licensing class have an 87% pass rate on their first attempt.

Licensing Coordinators

Colby & Aarol Brown

Click Here For A Meeting with the Licensing Coordinator

Ace your test!

Show up 30 minutes early to your testing center.

Bring 2 forms of ID. Typically driver's license and a credit card with matching name is fine (back of credit card must be signed).

After passing, take a clear picture of your pass notice printoff and send to your trainer and licensing coordinator!

Helpful Links & Resources

Getting Licensed - Steps to Scheduling your Life Exam and Fingerprints

TEXAS - Resident Life Licensing


  • Register for your pre-licensing course:

    • Bring your Pre-licensing Registration Confirmation email containing the QR Code with you to class!

  • Schedule and pay for your Life Agent state exam (InsTX-Life01/English or Spanish) at or call (888) 754-7667. Plan to test within five days of completing your pre-licensing course. The $33 exam fee is reimbursable:

    • Keep your Confirmation Number

  • Schedule your fingerprint appointment at IdentoGO by phone (888) 467-2080 to be taken as soon as possible AFTER your state exam date:

    • Use Referral Code #11G6QF and say Payment by Coupon at test center when asked for payment

    • Once your Identogo appointment has been made, call the automated phone system to request your fingerprint voucher at (800) 624-5275.

    • Take your voucher number with you to the fingerprint appointment for payment

  • Complete your Texas Resident Application Questionnaire (State Licensing Application).

  • Copy of your exam Exam Score Report

  • Copy of your Fingerprint Receipt you received onsite showing 1) The Identogo logo and 2) The payment made for the fingerprints

  • Email or fax the Texas Resident Application Questionnaire, Exam report and fingerrprint receipt (include Rep ID) to or (800) 381-7084.